Thursday, October 26, 2006


Appointment with MD

Yesterday, I saw my Lyme Literate Medical Doctor. I was having a blah day, not having slept well and having nightmares.

We decided to make some changes. Since my body is tolerating the IV antibiotic and I am experiencing relief on the 3rd day of taking the antibiotic each week, he is getting more aggressive. I will be taking 1 gram of Rocephin twice a day, every day now instead of 2 grams four days of the week.

I also started diflucan today. There is a diflucan protocol being used in Lyme and it has been the subject of Internet discussion. I anticipate the candida yeast die off period to be intense.

He also recommended L-Theanine for my anxiety. I started immediately on the 100 mgs 3-4 times a day. I have to admit that I did not experience any anxiety when I woke up this morning and for the entire day.

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