Friday, October 06, 2006
P.I.C.C. Line

Monday, October 2, 2006
I got my PICC line put in and I was so excited. I am thrilled at the idea of IV antibiotics getting in there and killing some of this Lyme.
I am convinced that these corkscrew spirochetes (Lyme Disease bacteria) are parked overtime at the meters in my brain and they are just defecating all over the curb, streets and sidewalks of my neural pathways. The corkscrews are like spaghetti that was once wet but now drying into tightening cement blockades so the serotonin cannot flow down to and from my brain where I need it. Hence all the fear and anxiety and lack of emotional stability. Hence the personality change.
My mom is here. I am having my PICC line put in this morning and the IV antibiotics will begin. I visualize the Rocephin flushing its way through my system and flooding these corkscrews with such a water over a stone for hundreds of years...wearing the obstacles down to particles of soft sand which become will harmlessly pass through my system.