Sunday, December 31, 2006


The Fear , The Fear, The Fear of Yester- Year

I just slowed down the Rocephin drip becasue the vision in my right eye was turning to black corners. The prayer flags are going to be hung outside. I have a good vantage point from my seat here.

The fear I wake up to in the morning reminds of how I felt as a teen ager before I acquired the talent of distraction. I woke up around 4 AM to use the bathroom with extreme achiness across my lower back. I see that you are still here Lyme. I am always hesitant with the emotional turmoil, ready to point at my psychoses rather than at the Lyme. Then again, are the psychoses actually Lyme generated? But, the physical manifestations are much easier. Thank you for the reminder that you are here....that my mind is under your watch right now. And I have to take turns with you at the moment.

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