Thursday, January 11, 2007
Reaching a Plateau

I left his office with a barrage of tests. I am sending blood to IGenex again for possible coinfection of Babesia or Bartonella. We are also going to check on the status of my adrenals and thyroid and see if they are in decent shape. It has been more than one year since I had them tested.
I am also going to do a CD-57. I believe my test in March 2006 came out at a 40 - very low, while I was have a Lyme incident of some type, before any oral antibiotics.
My LLMD explained that neurotoxins can cause symptoms as dramatic as those of Lyme. I am going to begin a supplement to detox. I had my first ORGANIC coffee enema tonight. It felt like some of this sludge has moved. I have more enrgy and feel relaxed right now...the edgy anxiety has left for a little while.
I am adding Tinidazole as the cyst buster tomorrow. We will see if the plateau breaks.