Sunday, March 04, 2007

on the oils. Yes!

I woke up at 5ish this AM...Mepron issues...but I did not feel too tired. Day 7 of mepron.

For the 1st time in over a year, I am just laying in bed, reading and writing....I am not SCARED!!! This is something I used to LOVE doing and could not because the Lyme was always laying up against me taunting me. In general, I wake up too scared.

SO, I read the Buhner book again and again....because i cannot retain one THING. Stephania is my next purchase - I have had floaters in my vision since I was a teen.

Hey, just back off one capsule of the knotweed if you have GI./ diiarrhea issues - see page 118 on contraindications!!!!!!!!!!!

I talked to my niece last night and she is a DIFFERENT person than just 2 weeks ago. She has added Nystatin to her protocol. Bubbly and giddy like a kid. She joined an online chat for Lyme Teens. She has been talking to a 14 yr old boy in NJ who hasn't been to school in 2 yrs. He composes music. And she told me of an 18 ys old girl who has trouble with suicidal urges. This is REAL.

I think that my brain, spirit and mind grew alongside and intertwined with these illnesses. Any neuroses I had were food for these bacteria and in turn, the bacteria, defecated them all over my neuropathways. This has created a tremendous blockade in perception, cognition and emotinal release.

There are 1,000s of people in the midst of this.

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