Sunday, March 25, 2007
Where to Start? Using Enregy to Heal.
Right now, I am listening to my frequencies CD...Track 2 - Dopamine.
My LLMD said this week in our appointment: "I don't understand why we are stuck in Newtonian Physics when we have Quantum Physics available to us for healing". The path I am on in this Lyme journey is leading me towards using energy for healing.
Although I do not comprehend the scientific principles, I have a tremendous amount of faith. I sent a voice sample to Lauren at V.A.S.T.
and through the octaves of my voice, she was able to tell me so many things about the state of my physical body.
Without a blood or urnie test, the voice analysis showed specifics to the heavy metal toxicity, my neurtransmitters, how my organs were functioning, the state of my musculo-skeletal system, how severe the Lyme is, along with other viruses. Most of this information, I have documented by either past blood or urine exams. The high incidence of antimony and mercury, for example were on the results, as was Thalassemia Minor, a minor anemia which people with Mediterranean ethnicity have. Also on the results were viruses common to people with Lyme. Am I impressed?
YES!!! All this without any invasive testing.