Friday, April 06, 2007


SSDI, Long Term Disability, Health Insurance

Today, I was fully initiated into what most Lyme patients face within weeks of their diagnosis of Lyme Disease. I had the gift of six months.

Shall I blame it on the Lyme Disease? Or is this another opportunity for me to grow and learn about myself? And how I retreat to a place of squalor and abandonment when the world says "No, no , no. You are on your own sister. No can do. No help for you."

My health insurance company will no longer cover the I.V. Rocephin. "There is no evidence that a course more than 4 weeks is effective." "Have you seen an infectious disease doctor?" Maureen, the nurse asked.
"I have a Lyme doctor", I replied. "Where does he work out of?" she queried.

In a cosmic view, this may be an indication that the Rocephin has run its course and it is time to ramp up the Buhner protocol. My LLMD had stopped the IV Rocephin for some detoxification anyhow.

I am seeing someone for cold laser therapy next month. I spoke to another individual last night who had success with it in treating Lyme and co-infections. The only lingering issue was a vision problem from Bartonella which the doc admitted to not being able to resolve in any of his patients.

And Human Resources also called. A Friday of fun and mystique...all these
health bureaucrats. They are only doing a job so they can pay a mortgage and live a life, I must remember.

I aske her quite frankly "Does our long term disability insurance carrier deny applications frequently?" "They are quite reasonable" the director said. I told her I was concerned bacause not many people are familiar with Chronic Lyme Disease. "It is unusual" she added.

Then I found myself getting defensive. "It is not so unusual, it is where H.I.V was 15 years ago. Not too many people know about it and the research is limited".

Then the long term disability insurance company called also. Pushing me to fax over a release of my medical records, when the form had not arrived in the mail.

Self care comes first and I do not morph into a chicken with its head cut off because others behave that way. I will address this when I am up to it.

All of this rests with a power much greater than me...a power that can generate healing and recovery from this illness. A power that can grant me compassion through all this.

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