Thursday, April 26, 2007
1st Molar Pulled
I did it. A friend drove me to the dental appointment. I did EFT this morning around the fear and to promote healing before I had the extraction.
It was helpful. I felt relaxed and calm. In my heart, I felt that my body wanted to be rid of the tooth. Root canals are thought to inhibit healing in illnesses and harbor harmful bacteria and toxins.
While the dentist was tugging, pushing and twisting the tooth side to side, I hummed and thought "This is going to help my healing" over and over.
I tapped my right thigh repeatedly. I sent the tooth to ALT Bioscience to have it tested for its interference with necessary enzyme production. Three hours later and I am optimistic.
It was helpful. I felt relaxed and calm. In my heart, I felt that my body wanted to be rid of the tooth. Root canals are thought to inhibit healing in illnesses and harbor harmful bacteria and toxins.
While the dentist was tugging, pushing and twisting the tooth side to side, I hummed and thought "This is going to help my healing" over and over.
I tapped my right thigh repeatedly. I sent the tooth to ALT Bioscience to have it tested for its interference with necessary enzyme production. Three hours later and I am optimistic.
Possum Possibilities

The most interesting piece of information which Dr. Horowitz shared was that when a tick bites a possum, the tick dies and the possum does NOT get infected.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
3rd Day Pulsing Artemisia
Today is the third day of pulsing Artemisia (3 tabs x 500 mg.s) by Allergy Research Group, as Dr. Klinghardt suggests.
The first day, there were no changes.
By the end of the second day, my head hurt and my body ached. I also began feeling fear again.
Today, on the third day, I woke up with fear. It has been a solid week without this phenomena. Also had a night of sweats.
I will ride it out today and revisit in two weeks, as Dr. Klnghardt recommends in his Artemisia protocol. Then, he suggests pulsing once a month until symptoms disappear.
I suspect that the Babesia is still around if I am reacting like this.
The first day, there were no changes.
By the end of the second day, my head hurt and my body ached. I also began feeling fear again.
Today, on the third day, I woke up with fear. It has been a solid week without this phenomena. Also had a night of sweats.
I will ride it out today and revisit in two weeks, as Dr. Klnghardt recommends in his Artemisia protocol. Then, he suggests pulsing once a month until symptoms disappear.
I suspect that the Babesia is still around if I am reacting like this.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Several Days of OKAY
I have experienced several days of OKAYness. I guess I do not post when I am doing okay. I am busy doing okay and not caressing the couch with the illness.
I am intimidated by Spring and Summer. An indication that I am still healing. I went for a walk yesterday and I sprayed some Deet product on my pant legs and sneakers. The buggers scare me still. We stripped and put our clothes in the dryer before we enetered the house. The buggers really scrae me.
Today I am going to try and pulse Artemisia, as recommended by Dr. K.
1200-1500 mg.s for three days and then again in two weeks and then monthly.
I also experienced herxing in reaction to the Lyme frequencies I listen to. I am not taking any new meds or herbs. Those cd.s are the only change. I have backed off from them just to verify that they are causing the tailbone , right hand stiffness and lower back Lyme herx which I am familiar with.
If this is true, WOW. More will be revealed.
I am intimidated by Spring and Summer. An indication that I am still healing. I went for a walk yesterday and I sprayed some Deet product on my pant legs and sneakers. The buggers scare me still. We stripped and put our clothes in the dryer before we enetered the house. The buggers really scrae me.
Today I am going to try and pulse Artemisia, as recommended by Dr. K.
1200-1500 mg.s for three days and then again in two weeks and then monthly.
I also experienced herxing in reaction to the Lyme frequencies I listen to. I am not taking any new meds or herbs. Those cd.s are the only change. I have backed off from them just to verify that they are causing the tailbone , right hand stiffness and lower back Lyme herx which I am familiar with.
If this is true, WOW. More will be revealed.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Seven Point Mind Training

For me, attaining peace and serenity are my top priority and are the cornestone of healing.
These are the commitments of Mind Training:
1. Don’t go against the mind training you promised to observe,
2. Don’t be reckless in your practice,
3. Don’t be partial, always train in the three general points,
4. Transform your attitude but maintain your natural behavior,
5. Don’t speak of others’ incomplete qualities,
6. Don’t concern yourself with others’ business,
7. Train to counter whichever disturbing emotion is greatest,
8. Give up every hope of reward,
9. Avoid poisonous food,
10. Don’t maintain misplaced loyalty,
11. Don’t make sarcastic remarks,
12. Don’t lie in ambush,
13. Don’t strike at the vital point,
14. Don’t burden an ox with the load of a dzo,
15. Don’t abuse the practice,
16. Don’t sprint to win the race,
17. Don’t turn gods into devils,
18. Don’t seek others’ misery as a means to happiness.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
#3 Tooth, 1st Molar

It is the 1st molar. He told me which organs correspond. See the traditional Chinese Meridian Organs and Western Medicine assoictaed with each tooth. TMJ, the thyroid and the spleen are included for the first molar- which are definite issues for me.
I feel such willingness and happiness in doing this - that I know it is the right thing to do. How many people can get excited about getting a tooth yanked? This is part of my journey to healing.
A Day in the Life of Lyme
I just read parts of Connie's blog, I laughed and felt inspiration hug my skinny arms.
Right now I am listening to my sound frequency cd.s. The Lyme and Babesia run about 15 minutes but the other parts of my body which need healing are over an hour long. There are dopamine, Brain DNF, and CMV tracks. Yes, I do listen to them in the car if I have appointments to go to...even with the sun roof open.
In the AM, I researched TOPAS test kits, Toxic Oral Pathology Assay, and found that they are sold by Alt BiosScience. Your dentist needs to contact them and order the kit. It is a test to see how much bacteria/ toxin a root canal is emitting into one's system. I am going to have my one and only root canal removed soon.
After reading much about root canals, extractions and cavitations and the bacteria and toxins in our mouths interfering with our immune system, I am happy that my dentist is willing to do this. I believe the performance of my immune system will greatly improve. We shall see. More to be revealed.
Friday, April 06, 2007
The Privacy of Emotion
I cut through walkways annd peered into family granary bins. I rubbed my hand along the jagged clay facia and took small dips down narrow steps. Centuries old. A sense of existence.
The Babesia was with me during these travels. The word was not yet in my vocabulary, however. The anxiety and fear and tears were not persistent in my heart and psyche. Madness was not looking up at me from all those shadowy canisters. Curiosity and joy for life were ever present.
SSDI, Long Term Disability, Health Insurance
Today, I was fully initiated into what most Lyme patients face within weeks of their diagnosis of Lyme Disease. I had the gift of six months.
Shall I blame it on the Lyme Disease? Or is this another opportunity for me to grow and learn about myself? And how I retreat to a place of squalor and abandonment when the world says "No, no , no. You are on your own sister. No can do. No help for you."
My health insurance company will no longer cover the I.V. Rocephin. "There is no evidence that a course more than 4 weeks is effective." "Have you seen an infectious disease doctor?" Maureen, the nurse asked.
"I have a Lyme doctor", I replied. "Where does he work out of?" she queried.
In a cosmic view, this may be an indication that the Rocephin has run its course and it is time to ramp up the Buhner protocol. My LLMD had stopped the IV Rocephin for some detoxification anyhow.
I am seeing someone for cold laser therapy next month. I spoke to another individual last night who had success with it in treating Lyme and co-infections. The only lingering issue was a vision problem from Bartonella which the doc admitted to not being able to resolve in any of his patients.
And Human Resources also called. A Friday of fun and mystique...all these
health bureaucrats. They are only doing a job so they can pay a mortgage and live a life, I must remember.
I aske her quite frankly "Does our long term disability insurance carrier deny applications frequently?" "They are quite reasonable" the director said. I told her I was concerned bacause not many people are familiar with Chronic Lyme Disease. "It is unusual" she added.
Then I found myself getting defensive. "It is not so unusual, it is where H.I.V was 15 years ago. Not too many people know about it and the research is limited".
Then the long term disability insurance company called also. Pushing me to fax over a release of my medical records, when the form had not arrived in the mail.
Self care comes first and I do not morph into a chicken with its head cut off because others behave that way. I will address this when I am up to it.
All of this rests with a power much greater than me...a power that can generate healing and recovery from this illness. A power that can grant me compassion through all this.
Shall I blame it on the Lyme Disease? Or is this another opportunity for me to grow and learn about myself? And how I retreat to a place of squalor and abandonment when the world says "No, no , no. You are on your own sister. No can do. No help for you."
My health insurance company will no longer cover the I.V. Rocephin. "There is no evidence that a course more than 4 weeks is effective." "Have you seen an infectious disease doctor?" Maureen, the nurse asked.
"I have a Lyme doctor", I replied. "Where does he work out of?" she queried.
In a cosmic view, this may be an indication that the Rocephin has run its course and it is time to ramp up the Buhner protocol. My LLMD had stopped the IV Rocephin for some detoxification anyhow.
I am seeing someone for cold laser therapy next month. I spoke to another individual last night who had success with it in treating Lyme and co-infections. The only lingering issue was a vision problem from Bartonella which the doc admitted to not being able to resolve in any of his patients.
And Human Resources also called. A Friday of fun and mystique...all these
health bureaucrats. They are only doing a job so they can pay a mortgage and live a life, I must remember.
I aske her quite frankly "Does our long term disability insurance carrier deny applications frequently?" "They are quite reasonable" the director said. I told her I was concerned bacause not many people are familiar with Chronic Lyme Disease. "It is unusual" she added.
Then I found myself getting defensive. "It is not so unusual, it is where H.I.V was 15 years ago. Not too many people know about it and the research is limited".
Then the long term disability insurance company called also. Pushing me to fax over a release of my medical records, when the form had not arrived in the mail.
Self care comes first and I do not morph into a chicken with its head cut off because others behave that way. I will address this when I am up to it.
All of this rests with a power much greater than me...a power that can generate healing and recovery from this illness. A power that can grant me compassion through all this.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Snow in April: Nutritional IV & SSDI
I am having a better day today. I did receive a Nutritional IV:
Vitamin A
5 ml of Electrolyte :
50 grams of Vitamin C
10 ml Nutrional:
10 ml of B Complex, B12, FA,
Niacinamide, 100mg
Ribolflavin, 100 mg
Pantothenic Acid, 1000 mg
Pyridoxine, 100 mg
Folic Acid, 25 mg
Hydroxyl B12 2000mcg
10 ml of Minerals:
Germanium 1000 mg
Zinc cl 10 mg
Selenium 200 mcg
Chromium 200 mcg
Manganese .5 mg
Boron 2 mg
Molybdenum 200 mcg
I think I herxed during the IV. I started feeling the malaise. I had a glutathione push afterwards too. 6 hours later and I feel VERY good.
I was going to write about the overwhelming information I received regarding SSDI and what I have to do to adhere to my private Long Term Disability Insurance provider...but I feel SO much better all of a sudden.
I want to follow the bliss a little and enjoy MY self for an hour.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Die Off or Relapse Diemna
Does it even matter any more? Feel the foulness of something happening. Is the Mepron blasting through the Babesia and thus all the fear, tears, anxiety followed by foulness?
Or, is this a true blue relapse from being off the IV rocephin for a week now?
Does it matter? The attitude is foul and no amount of relaxation techniques will bring me joy. This is me right now. The tears have dried and the squinted scowl persists.
Today, I just want to stop denying that this is in me; stop pulling my self up to higher levels of spirit and existence. I only want to curse, cry and wave a fist "why?, "and why for so long?"
Or, is this a true blue relapse from being off the IV rocephin for a week now?
Does it matter? The attitude is foul and no amount of relaxation techniques will bring me joy. This is me right now. The tears have dried and the squinted scowl persists.
Today, I just want to stop denying that this is in me; stop pulling my self up to higher levels of spirit and existence. I only want to curse, cry and wave a fist "why?, "and why for so long?"