Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Mellowed A Bit
It was such a demoralizing blow after feeling well for a week or so. The good news, today, is that I can now see what is me and what is the Lyme or the Babesia. Before feeling well, it was murky. I was the Lyme and the Lyme was me. It was part of my constitution for decades...my psyche.
It had been with me for years and years. The self loathing; the anger; the nasty back talk to myself. Once I felt better, I felt light and rays of sunshine peeking into those dark years of my existence.
When I had the Herx where I hit my living room wall with my face and elbows and cried all over the blue paint, I could see the Lyme around me. I prepapred myself for battle in a way I had never done.
I knew that any internal strife would have to be subdued. I had to have a unified front against the bacteria moving back in.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Familiar Herxes Return From the Past
I am so angry at this illness. It coarses through my veins and today, for the first time, I do not want peaceful co-existence. I want to obliterate it.
I have been so focused on getting the cat's claw and andrographis every day that I have forgotten the St. John's Wart.
How could that have happened? Rather easily when there are 20 + bottles to manage.
Is that tipping the scales for me? I do not know. I am out of town and do not have that bottle with me. Just riding it out. Will run out to buy some tomorrow.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Scared Again
Yesterday evening as I was sitting on my couch, I could see from my window that the FEAR was driving around the corner and pulling into my driveway. I knew the fear was here. The fear just sat out there in the cold and did not come into the house.
I knew it was only a matter of time.
When I woke up this AM, the fear was in my bed. It was 6AM. I knew the fear would just mock and make faces at me so I took a second Benadryl, something I never do. The full on herxes were there too...in the neck and the base of the skull. I slept pretty well for the next 4 hours. Each time I woke, the fear told me things to be scraed of.
I tried not to listen. I responded "You are part and parcel of the Babesia." "Stop trying to intimidate me." "I will feel happy, joyous and free once again, just not right now."
I got up and made some phone calls, including my LLMD, to see what the next step will be. Mepron and Artemisia? I took a Theanine to find calm.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Stood at the Window
I stopped the Tindamax last week, per my LLMD's recommendation. I feel GREAT in that aspect. Much less fear and anxiety.
I will speak to my doc today and see if he wants me to begin the Mepron and Artemisia tincture as he suggested.
I forgot to mention that my old Herxes are coming back since stopping the Tindamax- the tailbone pain, right hand numbness and big toe soreness.
I also joined Eurolyme in an effort to learn how things are in Europe.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Off the Tindamax
The achiness in my tailbone and numbness in my right has returned since stopping the Tindamax. My neck has not hurt in a couple of months.
I will call my LLMD next week and see if he still wants to get on the Mepron and Artemisia tincture.
I joined EuroLyme to see what is happening on that front.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Seeing LLMD tomorrow
I have begun Dr. Buhner's protocol. I want to begin Artemisin because I feel there is Babesia lurking even though I got two negatives from IGenex. The fear and anxiety is ever present. I have bruising and creaking of the joints.
My Protocol
Tindamax 500 mg AM & PM M-W-F
Diflucan 200 mg PM
IV Rocephin 1 gm AM & PM
Benedryl 25 gm Every PM
Beta Sitosterol 200mg AM & PM
Sarsaparilla 1 dropperful every AM
Engystol 300 mg Every AM
Marrow Plus 3 tabs between meals twice
10 Mushroom Combo 2 tabs between meals twice
Liver Balance Plus 2 tabs AM
Adrenal Essence 1 tab AM
Adrenal Support 1 tab AM
Travacor Neurotransmitter Support 3 tabs AM
Andrographis 4 tabs (1200 mg Andro & 240 mg Eulethro Root Extract) AM
Cat’s Claw 4 gms AM
Noni 2 gms AM
Gingko Biloba 300 mgs AM
Probiotic 3.4 billion AM
L-Carnitine 1.5 gms AM
DHEA 25 mg AM
TOTAL EFA 3-6-9 oils every other day 1.5 tbsp
Alpha Linolenic Acid 5800 mg
Gamma Linolenic Acid 290 mg
Linolenic Acid 2300 mg
Oleic Acid 1700 mg
Phoscol 3 gm (in 1 tsp) 1 tbsp every other day
Selenium 250 mcg PM
Vit B-6 50 mg PM
Pantothenic Acid 500 mg PM
Vit D 700 IU PM
Lysine 3 gm PM
Magnesium 1 g PM
Calcium 1 gm PM
CoQ10 30 mg PM
Vit C 2 gm PM
Coffee Enemas 3 times per week
Charcoal daily **Cell Food every day Theannine as needed
Monday, February 05, 2007
The Wind
See http://flash.lymenet.org/scripts/ultimatebb.cgi and search for Tindamax under Medical Questions.
I have added so many new things to my protocol.
To boost my cd57:
Ten Mushroom Combo
Marrow Plus
To give adrenals a rest for the next few motnhs:
B-5 Pantothetic Acid
Dr. Buhner's Protocol
Cat's Claw
Vitamin C